iOS 7's Best Feature So Far

Finally iOS 7 is here. No matter how you like or dislike the new look, there is one feature that is very much welcome in this update: the swipe up to bring useful everyday-use functions at once --such as using your flash as a lamp, toggling Bluetooth on and off, or using the calculator.Riding the Seoul subway almost everyday, my phone would always catch some WiFi hotspot that aren't always fast or even don't connect you to the Internet at all. So I usually had to get out of the current app, open settings, open the WiFi menu, switch WiFi off, and then come back to my app. Now I just have to swipe the screen up and toggle WiFi on or off... Something I guess Android users have had for a while. But better late than never, right?



Touch ID Won't Work With Dead People


Seoul Auto Salon 2012 - Part 1 (임지혜 - IM Ji Hye)